What Is The Greatest Lesson Motherhood Has Taught You?


Here we are, right around the corner of release day for the US edition of our book; The Zen Mama Guide To Finding Your Rhythm In Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond! If you haven’t already purchased, you can pre-order here:


This book has been a labor of love and is filled cover to cover with information, stories, personal experiences, professional contributions, resources, suggestions, tools and so much more on an array of topics from Conception to Pregnancy to Pregnancy Loss to Birth to Postpartum to Conscious Parenting. And as mamas, we wanted to take this moment to reflect with ourselves - and hear your reflections - on the greatest lesson motherhood has taught you. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing your answers and please feel free to add yours into the comments below!



Motherhood has provided lessons aplenty but the greatest one? Well it’s hard to decipher which lesson trumps the others, they’re all valuable and make up the fabric of who I am as a mother. However, one of the most profound lessons has been not sweating the small stuff. I have come leaps and bounds in eradicating the necessity to have everything perfectly aligned. Parenting throws all sorts of curve balls your way and in an instant you’ll be faced with needing to be able to pivot without the ramifications of a sudden change in plans. It’s a freeing kind of lesson, like a weight lifted from my shoulders. Breathing and just be-ing without the need to micromanage allows the organic flow of the day to inspire me rather than throw me off kilter. Lessening my grip on control has served me in every aspect of my life, I’m more patient, slower and observant as I embrace the spontaneity of each day.

Being present and enjoying all their little moments

To be flexible. Things can change in an instant.

That there’s something to be grateful for / smile about everyday.

It’s an indescribable feeling, that makes you crave to be present every day.

To really start listening and trusting my intuition. It’s always right.

Love and time - that’s all they need of you whether children are big or small.

You can’t control everything so just roll with it.

That being imperfect doesn’t make you less lovable.

Humility. It takes a village. Those are two separate but conjoined lessons.

Patience and communication.

To be kind to myself! I realize now there is a lot I can’t control no matter how hard I try.

L’amour inconditionnel
(Unconditional love)


How strong a woman can be.

To let go of to do lists and just simply be.

It’s okay to have bad days because there is no such thing as a perfect mother.

How to just go with the flow!

Unconditional love, no matter what, even if there are mistakes.

Patience! Just stop and take a breath, their childhood flies by.

To surrender and cherish the sleepless nights holding my babe. That is where the magic lives.

I am incredible.

Motherhood has taught me to have purpose and passion inspiring my children and those around me.

Patience, determination, and that YOU know best for your kid. I’m an autism mom!

To live in the moment.

I can in fact survive off little sleep.

Love and the meaning of it!

Patience, not only with external things / beings but with myself

Restricting myself to only doing ‘what is needed from me in this moment’.

To take things in strides. Make room for changes.


That every soul, every birth, every experience in motherhood is unique.. every person has a story to share and each child may need something different. It has taught me to not put myself or my kids into any box but yet to continue to learn and grow as they grow, to listen when they speak and to observe what they need.

That I am infinitely more capable of anything - of love, patience, strength - than I knew.

What true love really is.

I’m braver and stronger than I ever believed.

The gift of learning how to surrender.

To let go.

That my heart can grow a million times greater to love my children.


Flexibility is key - let each kiddo be their own person and support them.

That my whole life was preparing me for this.

Unconditional love.

As a single mumma NEVER be afraid to reach out for help and support. You’re not failing!!!

How to be my authentic self.

Slow down and breathe in the moment.

Humility. Realizing moms are all doing the best they can.

Slow down and savor every moment.


That you have to find time for yourself so that you can be the best mummy you can be.

That it’s ok to show your emotions and how you handle them so they can learn to handle theirs.

That all I am is all they need.

Resilience. Lots of things don't go as planned, hang in there and love.

I am my baby’s safe space no matter what my hair looks like or what went wrong at work.

Letting go honors them in a way that is for them and not for you. Your children are who they’re meant to be. Let go and embrace who they are and not who you thought they would be or envisioned it would be like.

To base my behaviour on how I’d like my children to behave in situations.



The greatest lesson motherhood has taught me is how to let go and listen. How to follow intuition. How to recognize that the path looks different for everyone, and it may even look different from what you envisioned. Motherhood to me is about being open to walking whatever path you are presented with, while remaining open to change.

To slow down and enjoy the quiet moments with my kiddos.

To really be true to who I am.

To relinquish my need to control everything.

Breaking my heart open and giving the opportunity to grow and heal.

A deepening of every feeling in life; love, joy, hardship, and even more acceptance.

Your best is good enough.

Trust my instincts



Finding out my daughter had autism taught me that everyone learns in different ways!

The littles don’t fit into a neat box and you have to let go and just go with it and that’s ok!

Unconditional love.

To put EVERYTHING in perspective.

My intuition is always right.

How to rediscover magic in swing sets, earthworms, and muddy river beds.

Every moment is precious so cherish them all because time flies!

You raise yourself as much as your kids. They teach you as much to be better as you help them grow.

Patience and realizing that the real magic lies within the little ones eyes.

You’ve got more strength than you know and you can create your village even with virtual support.

The depth of love and that I’m stronger than I ever thought possible.

To greater appreciate what my parents and grandparents have gone through for me.

Time is precious.

No matter how terrible you look or feel, you are their world and they think you’re perfect.

That I am stronger than I ever imagined.

Live in the moment.

That I am more vulnerable than I thought.



Motherhood has taught me what I’m mentally and physically capable of. I have touched the extremes of both happiness and frustration, a loss of self identity and a new found meaning to life. I have felt like the best mother in the world while in the same breath bullying myself into thinking I’m the worst, though to them my love is consistent. Motherhood has completed my soul with something I didn’t even realize I was missing- them. My kids.

The deepest form of love and compassion

Slow down and live in the moment

There is another kind of greater love

The ability to hear everyone’s voice, big or small.

The gift of stopping and being present.

To be kind to yourself as your flaws from an unhealed inner child may emerge.

To have compassion for myself. Loving all of me so they will love all of me.

That love grows by sharing.

The only constant is change.

Connection is imperative on all levels. Mother and child. Mother and partner. Mother and self.

That 90% of the stuff I fretted about before having a baby doesn’t matter at all!

The power of community!

That you can do it all, but it’s so much better when you ask for help or accept help offered.

To not sweat the small stuff. I don’t have time for stuff that drags me down.

You never feel more perfect than when your child looks at you like you’re the best thing in the world.

To let your children lead the way, to go with the flow more.

That I am perfectly imperfect and my kids love every ounce of my love even when I fail them.

Motherhood has taught me that as a mother you’re learning just as much as teaching.

How to love myself.

Motherhood has taught me the importance of self care and that it is okay to ask for help.

To let go of judgment and expectations.

Worrying becomes part of our nature and we’ll worry about our children from day one of life.

That our children are our best teachers.


To be in the moment and just BE - marveling in the beauty of the normal.

Intuition is the best thing I got!

The tiny, quiet moments matter most.

You can feel exhausted or out of your depth, yet have immense love for your munchkins.

There is beauty in what unfolds in a way other than what you had planned.

It’s okay to feel the feelings in front of my kids.

If I can love my baby unconditionally then I can love myself unconditionally too!

Don’t take their actions personally. There’s a reason behind every expression.

To let go. Again and again. I must let them go. And it never gets easier but I’m always proud when I do.