PP VLOG Update. baby Winter Months 4+5

What Month? 

Postpartum Month 4&5  

How big is baby? 

17+ pounds

Whats something new?

We are trying to get Winter to roll over. She did it once but I think it shocked her more than anything else. It hasn’t happened again. 

Most challenging moment?

I think the only real challenges we have faced have been sleep. The sleep regression is real. I know I told Eric it would only last a few weeks but for some reason and who knows why….. I was wrong. hahahah They say the moment you get comfortable in your routine thats the moment is changes. I guess thats not always true but she started waking up at night right at exactly four months and it really hasn’t stopped. She wakes up multiple times a night and that is totally fine cause she just drinks milk and I co-sleep with her.. but I got very use to her sleeping pretty soundly before 4 months so its now a bit of a shock to my system. 

Something you loved?

I love watching Wyatt and Esmé race to be next to Winter in the mornings. I love the way they smile at her and try to get her to giggle. I love seeing how maternal my middle child Esmé is. She wants to change diapers and cleans between Winters toes and always wants to calm her when she's sad. Its hard for me sometimes cause I know she needs me and I think I need to get there first but then I remember to let Wyatt and Esmé have their chance to calm her down too. Those moments will only strengthen their bond. 

Mama time? 

PRIMA bath GEM baths!! oh man that is just the best. Put on a podcast have a CBD bath and drink some tea…. HEAVENNNN 

What am I eating ?

Well at this point I'm eating pretty much everything.  At the beginning of Postpartum I limited dairy and sugar and tried to eat warming foods to help my body heal. So far it doesn’t seem like the foods I am eating bother Winter in any way so I will stick to my usual diet.  Current favorite is Gyoza and Arepas. 

My body. 

I feel like I need to get a bit stronger. My stomach feels weak which in turn makes your back weaker. My goal is to work more on strengthening my core and pelvic floor. As I get busier doing any kind of exercise if by far the first thing that flies out the window. 

Checking in.

Besides the fact that Winter isn’t sleeping as well as she was as a newborn baby things are going pretty amazing. She has blended into our family in such a beautiful way.  As the mama I love to sit back and watch her relationship develop with everyone in our home. I love to see her eyes light up when Wyatt walks in the room, or see how she calms down when Esmé sings her a song. I love how she smiles when Eric gets home from work and kicks her feet from pure joy. I have my own connection and way of communicating with her and I sometimes feel like she looks into my soul. She has a way of deep eye contact where she almost looks like she is searching for something. It is incredible. Seeing as how currently when this is posted Winter will be 6 months I will be back soon with a 6 month update. 

much love. Sarah
