Week 20 Pregnancy VLOG, baby 4 by Teresa Palmer



About 6 inches long & the size of a banana!

Sleep ins & being taken care of!! Mark is finally with us and in his presence I get to cultivate some self care (it’s been awhile!) he wakes up with the kids while I get to sleep in, he also presents me with breakfast in bed and serves me up my prenatals. It’s the sweetest. I talk about my love languages in this weeks Vlogs and my two are “quality time” and “acts of service” I feel as though I’ve managed to give and receive both this week. After the kids are in bed at night we’ve been connecting for a couple of hours and it’s been so lovely. It just feels so good to be back together again. He’s also been so supportive of our book that was released this week and helping me to have the space to dedicate time to nurturing its release. I’m a grateful wifey!


Work has been pretty challenging. Not the actual work per se as it’s really creatively stimulating but the hours are tough, coming off 6 days with 4 of them being nights last week, then having a day and half off, one of which was Easter and then into another 5 day of long hours it’s been tough. I only have today (Sunday) off which was Poets party so the schedule has been pretty brutal but luckily the turnarounds are decent and I’m getting enough sleep now!


My baby girl is TWO!! I cannot believe it. She is so sweet, funny, caring, loud, sociable, affectionate, creative and really brave. I love how confident she is, she really is a mini mama, loves babies & tending to the boys. She is like my little best friend and I feel so lucky to have her. It’s so beautiful watching how much the boys have fallen in love with her. The party we had for her was so fun, mainly just seeing how much she enjoyed being with her little friends & opening her presents. I love her with all of my and it still feels surreal that I have such a gorgeous little girl as my daughter.


I’ve been missing having the kids with me at work so this week so it was really nice to have a day on Saturday where they all came with me. It was the perfect scenario because where we were filming there were all these toys and a kids play area away from filming so I was able to have them there the whole day which they absolutely loved. They explored outdoors, played with each other and their friends from my work and just relished in being around mama at work. It was so good for the soul!