Teresa and Sarah's Postpartum Essentials

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This precious time from when baby takes their first breath earthside until they’re twelve weeks old is known as the “fourth trimester.” It’s helpful to think of the first three months of your baby’s life as the final trimester because it is such a transitional phase: one that brings many new changes for mama and baby as you adapt to life together. These initial weeks are an adjustment period as you get to know your little one, while also recovering from birth. Below, Teresa and Sarah share their top five postpartum essentials. We’d love to know what is on your list of essentials, please share in the comments below!

Teresa’s Postpartum Essentials

1. For vaginal relief post-birth; soaked pads in tea tree, witch hazel or aloe Vera essential oils, stored in the fridge can bring instant soothing for your lady parts if you’ve had a vaginal birth.

2. A belly support is really helpful to hold everything in. Post-birth our stomachs don't feel supported and they resemble a withered balloon! I remember feeling like I just needed to hold it up whenever I walked. You can buy a belly wrap online (brands such as Belly Bandit, Mamaway Nano) or ask for a Tubigrip from the hospital for your tummy. I used my Tubigrip for a month after Poet’s birth and even slept in it as it was so comfortable.

3. Drink water, electrolytes, or coconut water every time you nurse your baby (and more if you remember) breastfeeding can be very dehydrating so restoring nutrients and getting plenty of hydration is key to keeping those energy stores up.

4. A really good wrap to carry bubs around in. I recommend the Solly Baby wrap. Newborns love to feel close, try to create a womb-like environment it helps to soothe and comfort bubs. Utilizing a wrap also means you get to be hands-free to do anything else (or tend to any other child) that you need to.

5. I’m putting this in Postpartum as it was EVERYTHING to me in terms of sleep. Invest in, or get friends and family to invest in for you, THE SNOO. It equals SLEEP, and a lot more of it without! At least in my experience. I’ve had 1 baby not use it and 2 babies use it and it makes a profound difference. We often suggest adding it to your baby registry as it can be quite pricey. But really, what better gift is there for a postpartum woman than sleep?

Sarah’s Postpartum Essentials

1. Warming foods already stocked for mama
Broth, rice for porridge, soups, teas, oatmeal.

2. A new pair of PJs for mama with easy access to boobs.

3. A cozy bra to sleep in ( I bought organic cotton washable nursing pads to put into my bra at night cause I would leak a lot) once the leaking stops it’s easier to sleep without a bra but until then it makes for a better sleep because a wet shirt from leaky milk can make you cold and uncomfortable.

4. A shower alone every day or every other if that feels good to you - to have a few moments for mama and to express some milk and massage the boobs to make sure you don’t get any clogged ducts.

5. A few pairs of Cozy cotton full back underwear. Big pads will fill your undies for a while so you want to make sure you are comfortable.