Space-Saving Secrets: Maximize Your Kids' Room with These Genius Solutions by Morgan Rose Elliott

Do you feel like your little ones' room is bursting at the seams with clothes, toys, and who knows what else? You're not alone! There comes a period in your child's life when every space seems too small for your abundance of joy. Creating a functional and tidy space for your youngsters may seem impossible.

But fear not, as clutter warriors united and came up with genius space-saving ideas that will help you maximize the space and reclaim your sanity. So, grab your hot beverage of choice and indulge in the world of clutter-free solutions for kids' rooms. Are you ready to find the secret of organized moms?

Declutter frequently
To maximize space in any room, you need to remove what is not needed. While one-time decluttering can make you feel good for the moment, to create a calm and organized oasis you need to embrace the habit of frequent decluttering. You may be wondering why you should do it if your child or children will make a mess all over again.

Well, decluttering has many benefits besides keeping the room clean. It is easier and less overwhelming to tidy up frequently and keeps the clutter from piling up. On top of that, children will model responsible habits and learn how to be tidy in the future.

Think age-appropriately
Whether you have a tiny room or a vast space, choosing appropriate storage and furniture can be a struggle. Most moms have to pick functionality over aesthetics, but if you choose age-appropriate furniture you will have both!

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to designing a room for kids. During some ages, kids may be more into exploring while others would rather sit and quietly draw something on the paper! Take into consideration which phase your child is currently in and create a space that will suit their needs the best. That's how you won't have to waste space on bookshelves if your child isn't into reading yet!

Repurpose old items
Let's face it, kids grow up in the blink of an eye! No matter how much we don't want to admit that, they outgrow things, toys, clothes, and many more. Before you decide to throw something away or donate it, consider giving a new life to the old treasures. How can you do that?

Use your creativity and imagination to transform old crates into toy organizers or bookcases. Paint over old benches and upholster them to create window seating for maximum joy. Also, don't forget to sort through the art supplies and coloring pencils by placing them in mismatched jars for better organization!

Double duty furniture
The truth is, you can't keep everything in order at all times. Sometimes you'll want to give yourself a break and shove everything under the bed. Did you know that you can actually do that but keep it neat?

Double-duty furniture is the answer to all of your problems. Get your kids bunk beds with drawers underneath for storing or beds that can be mounted onto the dresser. That way you will save floor space and have a storage place at the same time. Also, consider getting multifunctional ottomans that double as toy storage. Anything goes as long as you're creative!

Long-term benefits
Creating an age-appropriate room is exciting and fun, but also you need to think about long-term benefits for your child. Switching from the crib bed to a queen-sized one when they're ready will help them develop a sense of individuality. On top of that, other furniture in the room can have long-term benefits on their mental and physical health as well!

Instead of small desks, they will quickly outgrow, consider investing in the sit stand desk that will serve them for a long time. Besides being adjustable to all sorts of heights, such desks provide great benefits for the child's spine and physical health. In addition, the sizes of the desks vary, so you can choose the one that suits the room and space you have available

Think vertical
Your new motto will be: If there is no more room on the floor, use the walls and the door! While many parents try to cram as much storage furniture as possible into their children's room, you can save that floor space by thinking vertically. What kind of secrets does vertical storage bring?

Wall-mounted shelves and built-in storage can save a lot of space. Add hooks on the back of the door, inside the wardrobe, and on the bed frame to ensure maximal space on the floor. This leaves enough room on the floor to play as well as introduce indoor exercise for your kids.

In the end, you shouldn't sweat it too much! No solution will work wonders if you don't find out what fits you and your child the best. Kids' room requires continuous adjusting and transformation as they grow up, so try to maximize the space you have to provide them a magical childhood!


Morgan Rose Elliott is an aromatherapist, yoga instructor, animal lover, a happily married mother of three. She enjoys reading biographies and writing poems, sunny days on the beach and any shape and form of vanilla. Crazy about the '80s, her favorite band is Duran Duran (although kids prefer Franz Ferdinand, and the husband Blink182) and she is obsessed with Netflix original Stranger things.