Sound Advice for Stay-at-Home Parents Going Back to the Workforce by Kristin Louis

Going back to work after taking a few years off to stay home with your little ones is as exhilarating as it is daunting. You may be looking forward to communicating with adults and working on team projects but worried about learning and mastering new processes. So follow these suggestions to build your self-confidence:   

Get Familiar With Digital Technology
Things evolve fast in the digital world, and businesses are relying more and more on AI, cloud computing, and other technologies to streamline and optimize their processes. So if you’re thinking of reentering the workforce, brush up on social media marketing and SEO, and learn the basics of online collaboration tools. You can find a lot of informational videos and tutorials on the internet to help you get started or advance your knowledge. Additionally, keep up with the latest trends in your field by joining online groups and boards, reading up on your market and industry, and reaching out to former colleagues.   

Earn an Online Degree
Take advantage of online learning opportunities to sharpen your skills and get an advanced degree that will allow you to obtain a paid position in the field of your choice. If you’re considering an online bachelor of education degree, look for an accredited school with competitive tuition rates, then sign up for classes that will let you study on your own time while you take care of your family at home. Once you’ve completed all the required courses, create a stellar résumé, send it to potential employers, and get ready to teach young students, developing their academic, social, and cognitive skills.    

Start a Home-Based Business
Ready to get back to work but not ready to send your kids to school or daycare yet? Start a home-based business and enjoy the best of both worlds! Using an online formation service is an inexpensive way to start an LLC, and this structure will protect your personal assets while you work on developing your small business. You can start working as a consultant using your past work experience and skills and relying on your professional network to give you referrals and send clients your way. Or do something completely new and different by following your passion, turning a hobby into a small venture of your own. Here again, upskilling and sharpening your business acumen will ensure the success of your new company.    

Set Boundaries for Work
Whether you work from home or you’re going back to the office, let your family know about your new schedule, set clear boundaries regarding communications, and explain what constitutes a real emergency. Your new boss may not be keen on you taking non-urgent, personal phone calls during business hours, so make sure everyone knows not to disturb you while you’re at work. You may even have to turn off notifications on your phone or computer coming from anyone who isn’t a supervisor, colleague, or client to prevent interruptions and distractions. And if you work from home, posting a sign on your office door can help your kids remember when they’re allowed to come in and talk to you.  

Make your transition from stay-at-home parenting to going back to the workforce as smooth as possible by including your family in your decision. Keep your skills sharp with online courses that let you study at your own pace while you plan your next move. And consider starting your own side hustle if you don’t want to miss any baby milestones!