Gracie's Birth Story by Xanthe

My second princess Gracie was born on Boxing Day 7lb 5oz. 6 days before her NYE due date. Firstly, how considerate was she to give me Christmas Day ? What a love haha.

It was vastly different to my first child Haisley who required a bit more pre labouring whereas this time around I would describe this as "fast and furious"! When women told me your second baby comes quicker..they weren't kidding. I had a bit of a time post birth but that was entirely my fault in misreading the situation which I will get to.

We start my story on Boxing Day around 3am to set the scene haha. I was beginning to get what I thought were Braxton Hicks but then an hour had passed and I couldn't get back to sleep as they were becoming closer together and stronger- to the point I had to breathe through them but not crazy bad. I kept at this for a couple more hours as they were still every 10 mins and I didn't want to wake Brad (my fiancé) or Haisley as they were manageable. Haisley (being an early riser) woke up at 5:30am. At this point Brad woke up and I told him the situation. He left me to it and took our girl out to the living room for some cuddles, brekkie and 'Cocomelon' and just left me to it haha. They were intense but manageable still. 

The contractions carried on and were getting to 7 mins apart so I called the midwife for advice (as our hospital was 45 mins away). She said if they become unbearable or every 5 mins apart then call back otherwise I need to sit tight and have all the baths and hot water bottles. Not even joking it was as if by magic my contractions were gone by 10am. Gracie was playing chicken haha. AlI I was left with was barely a period pain twinge. We had plans to go to my Nans to see family and have a relaxed day anyway so we carried on with the day. We stayed there all day laughing, eating and just relaxing. I was getting the odd twinge but I could still talk and move- nothing to write home about. 7pm came around and Haisley was getting super tired so we went home and we were only 5mins away. (Apologies for the TMI) but on the way home I legit thought I was gonna poop myself ...I literally ran to the loo as soon as we got home and it was like something hadn't agreed with me. I felt fine afterwards though! 

Little girl was asleep soundly in bed (Christmas festivities catching up with her) Brad was playing on his PC and I put on a movie (Knocked Up funnily enough haha). I got a little plate of food together of leftovers my Nan gave me and was living my best life haha. It was just gone 8:00pm and these barely there twinges I was getting over the day were getting stronger. By 8:30pm the contractions I had that morning had returned with a VENGEANCE. Clearly my bathroom trip earlier was my body clearing my system! In my silly little mind I thought  ..I can't be in labour? Surely not- the same thing will happen like this morning- they will peter off- I have another day on my hands. 

I went back to my first birth in my mind with Haisley and I was in pre-labour for a good 24 hours before we even were called into the hospital. It got to about 9:45pm and I was actually not able to speak between each contraction due to the intensity. As well as the surging cramping around my front I also felt fire around my crotch as well which I didn't feel last time. I couldn't sit down flat I had to lean against the wall. They were still every 7 mins and I thought back to the midwife earlier who said every 5 mins or if the intensity is too much to bear. Brad at this point thinks it's a good shout to call the midwife so he calls them as I cannot even speak. As the contractions were so intense and lasting over a minute they wanted us to come in. Bless her, we had to call my Nan over to look after Haisley as my Mum wasn't due to come up from Somerset (three hours away) until the following day (27th). She arrived about 10:20pm. At this point I was feeling pressure in my bum and immediately Brad and my Nan were like...erm we need to hurry! 

Brad had never driven so fast. Thank God for the Boxing Day traffic as there was next to no one on the road. He drove us to the hospital within a record time of 30mins. Not going to lie....most horrific car journey of my life. I couldn't sit down on the seat. I had to hang on to the clothes handle to keep myself elevated and I was making these low animalistic noises from deep within that seemed to be the only thing that would help me through. We got to the midwife assessment unit and luckily there was no one around waiting which made me feel more comfortable. The midwife on reception asked me for a urine sample. I tried between a contraction but I could not do it no matter how hard I tried I thought I was going to poop. I was clenching my bum so much to stop this pressure because deep down I knew what it meant haha. I didn't want to give birth on the floor of a waiting area haha. I had to lean against the wall and I made the same noise again. The midwife said ..."right...based on the noises you’re making my love come this way and if you're happy I'll examine you". I was like yesssss please. She examined me and as we suspected I was 9cm dilated and the pressure I was feeling was my waters bulging. She said "Let's get you round the corner to have this baby! You're incredible. I'll bet this baby will still be a Boxing Day baby". 

I waddle round the corner to the delivery suite. The midwife in there was in a frenzy getting ready for me as bless her she had only just gone on her break and she was the only midwife in delivery on duty for the next hour but because of me she had to come back for me. The assessment unit midwife had to go back to the desk. She greeted me and asked if I wanted any gas and I said oh yes...oh yes hello old friend haha. She asked what would be the most comfy and I said I can't bear the idea of lying down right now and she said "no worries at all sweet, be in whatever position comes natural". I was leaning against the bed squatting. The gas and air was actually helping to regulate my breathing. For some it does nothing but for me it really does take an enormous edge off but I'm still completely aware of my actions. She asked if I was happy for her to check out position of baby and check blood pressure and I was not bothered at all. I was just in my pyjama top at this point. Your dignity goes out the window for sure doesn't it ? 

She said I am at 10cm and waters are still bulging but she said that babies can be born in their waters. My blood pressure was on the high side but she put it down to the speed in which these contractions came and labour began but she will note it for my post labour checks. She said to me if I need to push then listen to my body. So I pushed with all I had thinking that was it..and guess what.. it was just my water breaking?! I was so pissed off haha I said "I used all I had to push and it was just my water!? I thought she was going to come out with my water ? I can't do any more, I can't do it" and both Brad and my midwife said "of course you can you're incredible, one more push just breathe" "you've got this babe". Don't know how but I got back on that gas and kept breathing and I dug deep..."That's it! The heads out!... Shoulders! You've done it...uh oh". Yeah the uh oh part was on me. So Gracie made her appearance 11:36pm Boxing Day. Less than hour after we arrived at the hospital. Her cord was short which I didn't realise and my instinct took over thinking the midwife wasn't going to catch her in the squat position I was in that I snapped the cord. Yes I snapped it! (Buries face in hands). My plan of delayed cord clamping went out the window. I still looked at my baby all the same, I was holding her and she was crying straight away and was so perfect but I was so worried. The midwife checked her and sorted out her cord and said "she's fine but I will get the doctor to check her levels but for now get on the bed and let's get some skin to skin time". 

Gracie opened her eyes and was just so perfect even if she did a massive poop on me never mind given the state I was in who cares at this point. Just a beautiful soul and we felt so overcome with love and gratitude for her. Gracie was fine - no sign of anaemia or any issues that come with a snapped cord. I was given the injection and gave birth to the placenta with what I thought was no issues. Had minimal tearing below my urethra which required stitches. No issues with that barely felt the tearing funnily enough. Unfortunately as I snapped the cord I didn't realised I ruptured the membranes of the placenta. I knew something wasn't right as I went for my shower and last time post birth I felt relaxed and expected bleeding but it was happening more than I thought was right. I mean we're talking the blood was saturating my incontinence pants immediately (they tide me over for at least two hours post birth last time). I also felt a fullness in my belly that was really sore. I went back to the suite and I got on the bed and I felt like I wet myself. I said this to the midwife and she looked under me ...she had just changed the bed for me and it had already been soaked in blood. She felt my tummy. She said "I'm going to get the doctor in here and we're going to scan your uterus- I suspect you may have retained placenta." 

True enough the doctor came in and scanned me and pointed out the tissue and it was a fair amount. She gave me two go to theatre and have a spinal or be put under, have a catheter and have the tissue surgically removed or.....she can do a manual extraction for what she can get and the remaining tissue I can labour out naturally with pitocin. I was already in pain so I thought screw it. I didn't want to be put under or have a spinal after having just given birth and having stitches. I put my "big girl" pants on and just asked her to yank it out. Worst. Pain. Ever. My midwife held my hand the whole time whilst Brad held Gracie. She was amazing and assured me it wasn't my fault as I was getting so upset and blaming myself. Lasted for 30 seconds and the doctor did get most of it out but there was still some specks behind so they had to put me on a pitocin drip to encourage contractions to get it out. After a day and a half of pitocin and monitoring of blood pressure I finally got discharged on the 28th of December absolutely exhausted and raw. 

My birth itself I would say was positive and Gracie was perfect but post birth not so much. Sorry if this was long winded but wanted to give an insight into an instance where it was actually my own doing that I had retained placenta....words of advice I would your midwives ladies and gentlemen. They WILL catch your baby haha. Thanks for reading my story. Beyond blessed to have two beautiful girls. 


I'm Xanthe, 31 from Banbury in Oxfordshire but also a citizen of Aus ! (Funnily enough lived in Adelaide and still have family there). I work in company car claims and have done for 5 years but now gone part time so I can make time for my family. Blessed and lucky to be a mama and every day is miles different than the last