5 Tips For Single Parent Survival by Marguerite Poole

Living in a world where divorce rates are soaring, and people are feeling empowered to have a child even if they are single, split families and single parent homes are becoming the norm.

Whether you consciously chose to be a single parent, your partner travels a lot, or you found yourself in the single parent situation after a relationship breakdown, the reality is, it is a hard gig. Parenting is a hard gig. Single parenting without someone to tag team with, can be utterly exhausting.

So, in a world where this is becoming the norm, what can we do to show up as the best version of ourselves, as a single parent, for our kids?!

1. Prioritise your rest. It’s no secret, that when you’re tired, your tolerance levels go down and your fuse is shorter. Lack of sleep really is torture so do yourself a favour and leave the dishes in the sink for another day, your rest needs to be a priority. If you’re sharing care of your children with another parent, make sure you make the most of the time you don’t have them, refuelling and filling up your cup so that you have more to give when they return.

2. Don’t expect perfection. This is true for all parents. Whilst it’s important you try your best, just as you ask your kids to do, don’t expect to be nailing parenting day in and day out. Cut yourself some slack and accept that you’ll make mistakes. Sometimes the kids will have too much screen time and junk food. Sometimes you’ll react unfairly and sometimes you’ll forget their weekly extracurricular, but you’re only human. The sooner you can take the pressure off yourself, the sooner you can have more fun and not sweat the small stuff. Let go of the guilt.

3. You can’t be mum and dad. There’s a belief in society that as a single parent you need to meet the needs of your child from the perspective of both parents. This just isn’t possible. A mother and father have important roles to play in their child’s life, so ensure you have someone else in the child’s life to meet the other need. This may be their other biological parent, or it may be another important person such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle or similar.

4. Trust that you haven’t ruined your child. Many believe that a home with a single parent is somehow failing their child. That this will negatively impact them and create a lifelong trauma. Whilst home life can be tough, all children from all homes will experience their struggles. Trust your child has the resilience to cope with their situation and enveloped in your love, will still thrive and grow into a well-adjusted adult.

5. Ask for help. It’s not a weakness to seek support. The old saying, “it takes a village to raise a child,” always rings true. Just because you’re a single parent, doesn’t mean you need to struggle. Build a support network around yourself and ask for their help when needed. Know you don’t have to go at it alone.

If you find yourself in the situation of a single parent, I take my hat off to you. Parenting, at times can be a thankless job and especially so when there isn’t another adult around to witness what you’re achieving. Don’t doubt for a minute your ability to love, protect and provide for your child, after all we have this innate drive and capability within, all you need to do is to take one day at a time and know that you’re not alone.

With a belief that everything happens for a reason, Marguerite trusts that we are given all we need to be able to handle any situation life throws at us. As a qualified Nutritionist, Spiritual counsellor and Parenting coach, Marguerite is a devoted mum who values family and commitment. She is committed to providing others the very best possible care in order to achieve true wellness, so that they too can live the life they dream of.