Folks We Love with Anna Schafer | actress, producer and co-owner of baeo


I met Anna about 11 years ago through Sarah, and she’s a really special, beautiful person in my life. She’s direct, loving, driven, adventurous and has an enormous heart. Anna has worked as an actress and producer for years now and is the owner of baeo with Sarah. Like a lot of people, I am a huge fan of their products because they are super clean and feel sensational for anyone 0-100-years-old. I am also a huge fan of Annas because of her drive to create consistent community and her work as a philanthropist. It’s beautiful to see someone put their money and heart into making the world a better place. It was so nice to step back last month, and reflect with someone I have known for so long, and ask questions that for some reason I haven’t gotten around to in a decade…

Interview by Kacy Byxbee

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I was born in Moscow, Russia and grew up in New York City.  I’m an actress, producer and co-owner of baeo and have two kids: Lila is 6 and Jaylen is almost 2.

Okay, first let’s talk COVID quarantine. How are you doing?  How has this quarantine been for you, with your family and with your work life?

We have good days and bad days. I really cherish the amount of time I am getting with my kids, and I know I will look back on these days when I’m old longing to have more of them.  Work has been busy, so we are very grateful to our community for supporting our small business.  I have a lot of emotions around this pandemic. There’s the scared and anxious side. I miss my family and friends so much. But then there’s this other side where everything slowed down and I’m able to be more present for myself and my kids. And there are things that this pandemic is teaching me. Life goes fast. Look around and slow the fuck down. 

What does self care look like for you in quarantine?

Me time! Yes, that’s big here. It’s my saving grace. Me time is NOT “honey can you watch the kids so I can make dinner, workout, do a work call, do the laundry etc.”  Me time is sitting in a bath with a face mask listening to music or reading a book. Me time is laying in bed watching a show that makes me laugh or cry, whichever I’m the mood for (currently I’m into workin moms on Netflix and red oaks on amazon), me time is taking a nap! Me time is doing absolutely nothing and giving myself a real break.  What I’ve learned is you have to ask for that, otherwise you probably won’t get it. Now, I know there are single moms out there with zero help and I bow down to you and really can’t speak to your circumstance except say, give yourself a break. Put on a show for them. Put them to bed a little early so you can have an evening. Strap them in a baby carrier and go for a long walk. We all have to take care of ourselves because running on empty is no way to be for yourself or your family. 

Favorite thing you have cooked?

I’ve been obsessed with watching the french chef, Julia child. I’ve been making everything she says to make. Roast chicken, artichoke, french onion soup. I’ve also been obsessed with one potato. It’s a delivery service that comes with all the ingredients you need and the recipe and the food is absolutely delicious. 

Any cleaning hacks?

Send help. Ha Not really, except making a schedule and getting the kids involved. Lila loves to wipe surfaces down so she is in charge of cleaning all the tables and dusting everything and Jaylen loves to vacuum so he pretends to vacuum while I actually vacuum which keeps him busy and my life easier. 

Let’s shift gears a bit and talk family. After having Jaylen, what has been most surprising to you the second time around?

That I’m as neurotic and paranoid as I was the first time. People told me I would be way more laid back with my second. Not true. I check if he’s breathing 7000 times a night. I still co sleep and nurse on demand and he gets away with way more.

And how have things changed with your partner since you became parents?

Huge transition for both of us. I think for the first year of both of my kids lives, we were completely disconnected. I was the mama bear with my cub and he was on the outside. It was a very challenging time for us. Maybe still is. But we are working constantly on it.

Let’s talk more about Baeo. I am a huge fan, along with my whole family and your growing Baeo fan base. I could head up a Baeo fan club, actually. How did Baeo come together for you and Sarah?

When we were pregnant with our first kids, we had a similar experience. We researched everything about our growing babies and pregnancy and knew that everything we ate, everything we put on our bodies got to our baby. We both started looking for cleaner better choices. Quickly we realized there was a need and a demand for truly organic clean products, and baeo was born.

Your guys' product is so clean. Without giving away proprietary (I watch Shark Tank and know shit now) information, how did you come up with your formulations?

It took a few manufacturing companies and a few chemists to formulate exactly what we wanted. Let’s just say we have 100s of samples.

What exactly does organic certifications mean and why is it important?

It means that every single ingredient that is sourced is organic: free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Organic certification means we are using ingredients free of synthetic additives, genetically modified organisms, chemical  fertilizers, pesticides etc.  As a company we know where every ingredient is coming from and we feel like it’s important for the consumer to make informed decisions about the products they are buying and putting on their families. 

What are you reading?

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Where do you feel most inspired?

In my shower. I don’t know if it’s the water or just being alone and calm. It’s where I get all my ideas and problem solve.

What does femininity mean to you?

Being strong, being kind, not being afraid to say no, standing up for what you believe in, helping others

What’s the most challenging part about being a mom?

Balance. Making sure I’m taking care of myself, my work, my relationship and giving both of my kids the attention they need and want is hard. There’s a lot of guilt. Some days are great others aren’t. But that’s life.

And lastly, what’s your favorite part about being a mom?

One of my favorite parts of being a mom is getting to grow with them. Seeing the world through their eyes is pretty magical.

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