Why Your Relationship Matters by Marguerite Poole

When your baby arrives, it is very easy to become all consumed with this precious gift. They have grown inside of you and the bond that naturally comes from this is undeniable. You feel the weight of responsibility, keeping them safe and healthy.

They demand lots of time and attention from you and in wanting to give them as much as you can, you step up to the task. The time you used to spend with your partner and on yourself diminishes and for a period, your sole purpose is keeping this little being alive.

Many mums lose their way at this stage. Who are they? What are their needs? Are they happy? Growing a family challenges us in so many ways, for some it gives them an identity, for others is causes them to question everything.

Irrespective of which category you fall into, what is assured, is that you have less time to do the things you did before kids. Your kids become a priority and rightly so, but should this be at the expense of your relationship?

Too often once the kids have grown up and flown the nest, partners look at each other and don’t even recognise the other. They are so far removed from the person they were BC (before children), that they have become strangers.

What if though, you had prioritised your partner just like you had your kids? What if you kept growing with them, getting to know them as your family grew? What if you took intentional time away from the kids to be with your partner, really listen to them and understand their needs (which inevitably change over time)? What if you held close the reasons why you chose to have a family with them in the first place and didn’t lose sight of who they are and what they mean to you?

It’s easy to get caught up running the kids around, working, keeping a home and cooking nourishing meals, but just as much effort needs to be put into your relationship as well. After all, your relationship models to your children what they will most likely seek out for themselves one day. So, ask yourself; what sort of love relationship do I wish my children would be in when they grow up? Be sure to create this type of relationship for yourself.


With a belief that everything happens for a reason, Marguerite trusts that we are given all we need to be able to handle any situation life throws at us. As a qualified Nutritionist, Spiritual counsellor and Parenting coach, Marguerite is a devoted mum who values family and commitment. She is committed to providing others the very best possible care in order to achieve true wellness, so that they too can live the life they dream of.