Week 19 Pregnancy VLOG, baby 4 by Teresa Palmer

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19! (What?!)

6 inches long, about the size of a Mango (my favourite fruit!)

Not much new to report, I’m definitely showing a lot more and it’s very hard to hide the belly, she’s out there!!

Shooting nights! The exhaustion! I don’t think I’ve ever had to do night shoots before where Mark hasn’t been with me so coordinating Susie and Jane to tag team to be with the kids has been a logistical challenge, to say the least. Susie sleeps overnight with them and the Jane has them from 7am-2pm. I get back to the hotel at 7:30am and then sleep until 1/2pm until I can be with the kids before I go to work again at 7:30pm. It’s been pretty wild and I’ve been missing the kids so much even though I get to see them for a few hours during the day. It’s not the same! I’m so used to seeing them much more so it’s been quite challenging for me but they’ve taken it in their stride and they’re loving their Aunty Susie sleepover nights!

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Getting to this point in the pregnancy! I’m only about 4/5 weeks off this baby being at a place where they would have a chance of survival outside the womb and that is so wild to know how far along I am reaching. This second trimester has really flown by so far and it’s been relatively smooth sailing. I noticed today that I don’t yet have my linea nigra (the line going down your tummy!) I’ll have to check back with the other pregnancies to see when I got one.

I don’t have a scale here but I’m definitely rounding out! I’m probably about the same size as I was with Poets pregnancy or a little heavier. My body just tends to do its thing and I just embrace the changes.

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I’ve actually done a bunch of walking and have been on my feet a ton this week. I also walked with very heavy bags full of Easter eggs and other things, got lost and then had to hike up a massive hill but I took it in my stride and thought ah well at least I’m actually getting a bit of exercise.

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I’ve been eating a lot of chickpeas randomly! Vegan Pasta, avocado toast, Lovewell smoothies, green juices and GULP vegan nutella!! Who even knew it existed and it tastes exactly like the regular Nutella. We’ve bought two jars of it as it’s so good and I’ve never found it before. It’s called Bionella for anyone who wants to track it down!

I’ve been having lots of thoughts about our family and how lucky I feel to have these healthy children. It’s always been my dream to be a mama to lots of children. I’ve also been thinking about how it can feel bittersweet to oscillate between working and being with them. I had to have an adult conversation with Bodhi about it when he was missing me the other day. I explained why people work and what work brings, we talked about the many passions people can have, about paying bills and taking care of the people we love. He was so beautiful about it all, so thoughtful and mature.
