Top Tips to being a SunSmart Family by Tandia Walsh

We know the obvious when it comes to being sun smart; apply SPF daily, avoid peak exposure times, re-apply every 2 hours and wear protective clothing . But what else can we be doing to make sure our family is extra sun safe this summer? 

Make sure you’re using an Australian Made & Tested Sunscreen 
Australia has the highest global standards and regulations when it comes to sunscreen. Australia is the only country in the world where SPF is classified as a therapeutic good (a listed medicine) to make sure they are safe, efficacious and of high quality. This is definitely necessary, considering Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.

All MOTHERS formulations are made in Australia and tested to the Australian SPF standard.  We are also FDA approved and offer international shipping via our website. 

Fill your family's plate with orange and red foods.  
Mango, papaya, carrots are rich in beta carotene. Carotenes have been shown to help neutralise free radicals from the sun. ⁠Notice that most of these fruits/vegetables are grown in tropical sunny climates... It's not just a coincidence! ⁠

While snacking on a carrot does not replace wearing SPF and protective clothing, having some extra protection to help boost your skin's innate resistance against UV rays can't hurt right? 

Download a UV Index App.
We love using an UV Index app like SunSmart at MOTHER HQ. With a few clicks, you can find the UV level and sun protection times for the day all around the world. Allowing you to master the balancing act of getting enough Vitamin D from the sun, whilst also making sure the skin doesn’t get too much sun! 

Use a mineral sunscreen daily.
Mineral sunscreen’s sit on top of the skin and act as a barrier to the sun’s rays. You may see the words zinc or titanium on the label. This is why they are perfect for the delicate skin of little ones; they do not interact with the skin and instead sit safely on top of the skin. 

Zinc Oxide is also a natural anti-inflammatory and the #1 ingredient in diaper rash cream due to its soothing properties on the skin, making it the perfect choice for anyone with sensitive skin or for skin that is prone to eczema, dermatitis, or rosacea. 

Be cautious of ALL the ingredients in your family's sunscreen. 
As previously mentioned, we recommend picking a mineral sunscreen over a chemical sunscreen when it comes to safely protecting the family.  Chemical sunscreens have been shown to absorb into the skin and the body's bloodstream where the long-term effects of the body's absorption are still unknown. 

Choosing a mineral sunscreen over a chemical sunscreen is important but it’s equally important to focus on all the ingredients in the formulation. Ingredients like preservatives and fragrances are known to cause skin allergies and are linked to endocrine disruption. Something you don’t want on your family’s skin! 


Tandia Walsh is the founder of MOTHER SPF, a brand born out of necessity when a few years back, Tandia’s mother was diagnosed with Cancer.

After extensive research to help her mother reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in her skincare whilst undergoing treatment, Tandia discovered how nasty some conventional skincare products can be and couldn’t find a mineral sunscreen suitable for everyday wear, so she decided to make her own. Et Viola! MOTHER SPF was born. Learn more about MOTHER
here and follow them on Instagram @motherspf