Top 7 Homeschooling Books for Parents by Beatrix Potter


Homeschool is a lifestyle and each family is unique, it is not to imitate or make comparisons with the other’s family, much less to bring the school home, it is necessary to un-school the mind, as education is a way of life. Read a lot on the subject, this is a very important decision, after all, who decides on this path knows that they want the best for their children and must know that it is something that will demand a lot, including the act of re-education. Here are 7 books to help you on your journey as a homeschooling parent.

Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child, by Anthony Esolen
Esolen demonstrates in this book why the model of contemporary early childhood education can be harmful to the child’s mental faculties, especially to the imagination. More than an amazingly accurate diagnosis of the pedagogical disasters that have been systematically implemented over the last few decades (not only in the USA), “the author still indicates what they have in common - in short, the attack on the child’s imaginative faculty - and the procedures for reverse the picture”, says Andrew L. Loden, writer at Academized and Paper Help.

Home Education, by Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason was a British educator of the late nineteenth century whose theories were far ahead of her day. She concluded that children are born individuals deserving of consideration, rather than blank slates, and that it was easier to feed their developing minds with live literature and valuable ideas and information rather than the instructor diluted and pre-digested dry facts and information. Her instructional system, still utilized by some private schools and a lot of homeschooling families, is soft and versatile, especially for younger kids.

The Well-Trained Mind, by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise
If you want a practical step-by-step manual on how to educate your child through Classical methodology, this is the book that will instruct you. How to provide your child with an academically rigorous and comprehensive education from preschool through high school - that enables them to read, think, understand, be curious, and want to learn.

How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading, by Charles Van Doren and Mortimer J. Adler
Originally published in 1940, it has become a rare phenomenon, a living classic. It is the best and most successful guide to reading comprehension for the average reader. And now it returns in a completely rewritten and updated version. The book covers the various levels of reading and shows how to achieve them. The authors offer a list of recommended readings, as well as reading tests so that you can measure your progress in comprehension, speed, and reading ability.

Blueprint Homeschooling, by Amy Knepper
For educating parents of all philosophies and styles who are looking for the best way to manage their time, energy, and sanity during a year of studies at home. When you finish the book, “you will have all the tools and material to complete a full year of home education, 2 adapted to your world and your reality”, says Angela P. Silva, educator at Australian help and State Of Writing.

Homeschooling: Early Years, by Linda Dobson
Dobson teaches you how home education will function with you and your small kid, and offers a much-needed guide to life with young children and studying. The book draws together the knowledge and expertise of a great number of homeschooling communities, bound together with moist motivation and excellent simplification of processes that can appear too obscure and overwhelming to the novice.

Jump, Fall, Fly, from Schooling to Homeschooling to Unschooling, by Lehla Eldridge and Anthony Eldridge-Rogers
This book lays forth the keys to live a safe and unschooled lifestyle and discusses why it matters. All insights arise not from the theory of education but from actual parenting in practice. Discussing such proposals is not one thing, but the book gives parents companionship in making such improvements and provides help by describing both the problems and the remedies. Homeschooling is not the easiest way. Research the different types of methods, curricula, materials available (there are already several families, professionals and platforms developing materials of the highest quality and also offering a tutoring service), research on the routine of educating families.

Beatrix Potter is an educator at and, as well as an online proofreader at Beatrix writes about homeschooling, child development and helping children with learning disabilities. She’s a specialist in homeschooling methods, offering tutoring services for parents who choose this pathway for their children.