Top 5 Hatha Yoga Poses for Busy Moms by Brett Larkin

Hatha yoga is a perfect anecdote for busy moms because of the stillness and slower pace. If you've taken a hatha yoga class at your local yoga studio, then you know that it's a yoga style in which you move more slowly and hold yoga poses for a longer period of time.

In fact, hatha yoga poses were originally intended for long holds. But if your schedule is too jam-packed for a long hatha yoga asanas, you can easily bring a hatha yoga pose into your everyday life, on-the-go, even with kids.

Here are 5 hatha yoga postures you can do at just about any moment throughout your day:

Wide Leg Forward Bend (Prasarita)

I LOVE a forward fold! To get the most out of this standing forward bend pose, take your feet out wide, toes facing forward and slightly in. Fold forward and place both hands on the ground in front of you, wherever they land. You can do this over the counter as you make your coffee, or fold over the back of the couch while your kids are watching a show. This pose stretches out your entire back body and will shift your energy to keep you going through your day. Bonus: Downward facing dog pose is a great alternative to try too!

Triangle Pose with Arm Circles (Trikonasana)

Pop into a triangle by standing with the feet one leg’s distance apart. Keeping the sides of the torso long and the chest wide, tilt toward the right leg and place the right hand on your right shin, reaching your top left arm up to the ceiling. Slowly make a giant circle with your top arm, so it brushes your face, moves toward the floor, and comes back to the sky. Reverse the direction of your arm when you feel like it. Do this pose on the other side, left foot in front. This is a great pose to try when you're picking up toys or switching out the laundry.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Get on the floor with your kiddos and try out a bridge. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart. Press through your feet as you lift your hips towards the ceiling, clasping your hands beneath you, and hold for a few breaths. This gentle inversion strengthens your core and provides hormone regulation.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

When you start to feel overwhelmed and scattered, take a moment to calm and ground in tree pose. Standing on one leg, place the opposite foot on the ankle or anywhere along the standing leg that allows you to keep your hips level (just avoid the knee joint). Find your balance and bring your hands together in a prayer position at the chest or extend them overhead. You can do this in the kitchen while cooking or as you wait for the shower to warm up!

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The perfect pose to pause and reconnect to yourself, literally anywhere. Stand with your feet together, weight evenly distributed, and arms by your sides, palms facing forward. Engage your thighs, lift your chest, and lengthen your spine while breathing deeply. It only takes a moment to stand tall in mountain connect to your breath and reset yourself.

Practicing hatha yoga isn't just about physical asanas either. You can find even more easy on-the-go Yoga Habits, poses and breathing techniques in my new book: Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, And Breathwork To Channel Joy Amidst The Chaos

Remember: You don't need to complete a full hatha yoga sequence to reap the health benefits. Finding a moment to slip into a standing pose is enough. If you start squeezing your yoga practice in when you can, especially off the yoga mat, your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.


Brett Larkin is the founder of Uplifted Yoga® and the author of Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos. Her Online Yoga Teacher Trainings have set the standard for quality online certification since 2015 and matriculated thousands of yoga teachers. Brett’s award-winning YouTube channel with over half a million subscribers and Uplifted Yoga Podcast empower you to actively design your life using yoga’s ancient wisdom. Yoga enthusiasts love her courses on Kundalini Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, and the Uplifted Yoga® Academy. Learn more at and on social media at @larkinyogatv