Self-Care Tips for Moms on the Go


Are you a new mom, or have your hands full with several children keeping your days packed and full of surprises? Maybe you're a working mom making you just as busy, but either way, you're probably feeling as though you could use extra hours in the day. While you can’t make your days longer or grow an extra set of hands, there are easy ways to give back to yourself. Below, we’re highlighting some self-care tips that even the busiest moms can benefit from. 

Make Sleep a Priority
No matter if you’re a first-time mom with a newborn, or have a house full of little ones, it might feel like you never get enough sleep. Between early mornings and late nights trying to squeeze in extra tasks while the kids are asleep, you are likely to become sleep deprived. Think about it; sleep is your time to rejuvenate and prepare yourself for the next day. At times, it’s likely you may even have to skip items on your to-do list in order to make sleep more of a priority in your life. This is because sleep provides you with many benefits such as stress relief, strengthens your immune system, and helps boost your memory, just to name a few. 

Care for Your Body
As women, we experience a menstrual cycle, and for many, it comes and goes each month without much thought. However, for something that affects you quite often, you should consider thinking about it more. How many times have you been rushing out the door and forgotten a tampon, or been out with the kids and felt your sanitary pad filling up resulting in a family trip to the bathroom? Not only can tampons and pads be uncomfortable, but have you ever really thought about the price as well as unreliable in terms of leak protection and not to mention possible toxins? If any of this resonates with you, you owe it to yourself to try other methods of period care. Once you’ve done some research on the products available to you, experiment to see what the best fit for you is. You may be shocked to find that an alternative product such as a menstrual cup works out much better with your busy lifestyle. 

Focus on Your Health
Being a busy momma can make it feel difficult to make your health and wellness a top priority. Be honest, when was the last time you visited your primary care physician? It’s no surprise that your health and wellbeing is equally as important as your family’s. There are simple things you can do to get your health in check, such as researching your family history, making regular appointments, and investing in making healthier choices. In doing so, you'll be better informed about your body and health, while simultaneously discovering ways to take better care of yourself. 

Reconnect with Yourself
Finding opportunities to reconnect yourself can be done in many ways. While it may not be feasible to take an hour-long bath or a spa day every time you need to relax a little, taking even five minutes to yourself can help boost your mood. Consider micro self-care techniques such as deep breathing, positive self-talk, reading, or stretching to help you practice self-care anytime and anywhere. Taking less than five minutes to practice one of these strategies can instantly help you to feel rejuvenated, making an improvement to both you and your day. 

Sneak Exercise into Your Day
You’d be surprised how easy it can be to incorporate a bit of exercise into your daily life. Believe it or not, it’s also a great way to give yourself some extra TLC when you need it most. Instead of worrying about finding slots in your day to hit the gym, opt for outdoor activities with your children. Going for walks, visits to the park or even bike rides are great ways to get your heart rate up. While also spending quality time with your loved ones. 

No matter how busy you might be, as a mom, it's important you find time for yourself. Doing so will not only benefit you in the long run but also bring benefits to those around you. Remember, your little ones are always watching, and you want to set a positive example by teaching them good self-care practices that start with you!