Modern Day Birth with Leanna Hines

Modern-day birth education has become an industry set to sell you a story that you need them to be able to birth is an empowered way. It is there to arm women with information around birthing, tools and techniques, positions, how to manage the system and the providers working within it – however, this isn’t something I prescribed to be a part of anymore. The more I’ve learnt the more I have witnessed and seen the more I see this doesn’t work, this doesn’t arm women with their strength and empowerment, it merely aids as a distraction from themselves and from birth itself. Teaching them that they are lacking. That they are broken and need fixing, that their innate knowing couldn’t carry them through this rite of passage when this is far from the case.  The empowerment, the trust, the knowing on how to navigate this transition can only ever come from the mother. The women. 

No one can predict what you will need within birth, how you will be, what lies ahead on your journey. But what I can tell you is, the more you come home to yourself, the more you trust your body, your birth, and yourself. The more equipped you’ll be for this time. When we work on and through the energetics, the preprogrammed blocks, and beliefs. When we return women to their bodies and the power that lies within, this is when birth can make its way through you, to bring life through you. 

I believe it’s in our ability to surrender to the unknown, it’s in our ability to trust, it’s in our ability to move out of our heads, into our bodies, and fully hand ourselves over to the experience before us that holds the potency and magic that birth can bring.   

When we energetically realign ourselves, when we do the inner work, and remove the blocks the more we can stand in our true power, the more we are unwavering in our desires, our choices, and the clearer we hold these the more aligned with ourselves we are, with our true essence. Of who we are here to be and become without the layers of conditioning we have learned from our families, our culture, our society. When this happens, birth happens. IT just fucking happens, exactly as it was designed to. When we get out of the way, we trust, we surrender and we know we can meet it all and hold it all, we women, we mothers move anything in the path to meeting our babies – THAT is where the MGAIC lies – That is where we transform from maiden to mother – That is where birth is innately designed to take us – through the portal of what we thought we couldn’t hold and into the realm of the mother we are to become.

Birth may take you to your edges, to the point you may not consciously think you can hold any more but on the other side of this you find a strength you never knew you had, You find a woman whom has been growing within you. You find the Mother you were destined to become. Birth cannot ever be bigger than you, for she is you. But do you believe you can hold her. Do you believe you are worthy of such magic? Do you believe birth to be the rite of passage she was designed to be? Birth is and can be ecstatic, magnificent, so it was designed to open you heart, soul and body. Every cell within you knows the truth. 

Modern birth education is purely a mere distraction to this. Filling your head with physiological knowledge and education on your body. BUT muma you do not birth from your head, your birth from your womb, your body, your sacred pelvic bowl – so I ask you what is your relationship with these things. How much can you listen, be in communication with and trust in these things??? Your body is your intuition, it is your guiding compass and darling muma she will never ever lead you astray. In fact, the more deeply connected to your sovereignty you are the more your journey into motherhood will change. When a woman rises into this vibration her whole family rises too. When she does this work, she changes herself, her birth, her postpartum and her motherhood journey. This is where the secrets lay. This is the truth and my belief around birth, Muma you are pure power and nothing can come between you and that when “she” is fully embodied and in harmony with her masculine and feminine. 

In a modern world where we are so disconnected from our bodies and ourselves - Pregnancy provides an opportunity to reconnect, to turn inward. Women are confronted with their pre-programmed beliefs of birth and labour and need to choose what she will continue to believe moving forward. 

When I birthed my first baby I was still holding onto a lot of old beliefs. Years of being told to do as I’m told and trust the professionals made my question my innate birthing wisdom. I struggled to find my voice in some of those early appointments. I found the strength to trust myself in some areas but couldn’t in others which caused inner conflict, stress and worry at a time when I knew all these things could have negative effects on my baby, my body and my birth. 

Why did no one understand what I wanted?
Why was there so much pressure to conform?
Why couldn’t I stand my ground and use my voice?

This is where energetic birth preparation comes in. Having women hold you, reflect back to your, guide you home, inwards…this is where magic can happen. This is my role. I shall hold you, guide you home to yourself and all you have within. Work through your ancestral wounds, realign your masculine and feminine, reclaimed your voice, and deeply anchor into your desires. This is “The Art of Sacred Transitions”

The birthing journey may challenge you beyond what you believe you’re capable of. It will require you to question your actions, reassess your belief systems and walk in places you didn’t know were there in order to find your inner strength and birthing goddess, a true act of surrender and trust. 

However, nobody knows you and your baby better than you! The act and the art of surrendering and being open to whatever comes up during this is transformation - remembering that your little one chose you for a reason and no matter what unfolds this will always be YOUR soul’s journey!


Leanna Hines is an Energetic Birth Worker, specialising in igniting deep relationship connections through the transition of birth and into parenthood. 

With over 15 years of knowledge and lived experience in women’s health and her sacred mentorship in preparing mothers and couples for birth, she holds space for women to uncover their innate birthing wisdom within and as such reclaim their connection to self, each other & their own power.

You can connect with Leanna at

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