Infertility Impacts 1 in 6, I Am One of Them by Cheryl Dowling

1 in 6 are impacted by infertility. A statistic you never think you will be part of, until it happens to you.  

My fertility journey began in my early 20s. After trying for some time, I went to my gynaecologist. Being in my 20’s I was told I was “young” and “healthy” so it was only a matter of time before I would be pregnant. Initially, no testing was done, I was simply prescribed clomid and sent on my way. I remember early on in our TTC journey, I was full of hope and excitement, but as the months went by, fear started to set in. 

After 6 months of clomid, my gynaecologist finally listened to my concerns and asked if I wanted to keep trying clomid or see a fertility specialist. At this point, I didn’t want to waste any more time. I knew I needed testing to see what was happening. From a young age I was diagnosed with endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), so I knew it may not be a simple process, but I never expected additional hurdles.

After some basic fertility testing, my fertility clinic discovered two blocked fallopian tubes and multiple issues with my uterus. My only option was IVF. I remember feeling like the world was spinning. Like everything I ever wanted might not be a reality for me. Like I was alone and scared, but no one around me could understand what I was going through. Each issue added a layer of fear and doubt, casting a shadow of uncertainty over my dreams of motherhood. 

Infertility comes with so many unknowns and so much uncertainty. It is an emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting journey to be on. With statistics revealing that approximately 1 in 6 couples face challenges conceiving, the need for more understanding, support, and advocacy surrounding infertility is critical. National Infertility Awareness Week serves as an important reminder that infertility is more than just a medical condition—it's a deeply personal and emotional journey experienced by millions worldwide. Infertility taught me a lot. It changed me, opened my eyes, and made me realize there are so many of us struggling. By raising awareness and advocating for change, we can create a more supportive and inclusive environment for all those impacted by infertility. Together, we must  stand in solidarity, offering compassion, understanding, and hope to those on their fertility journey. 


Cheryl Dowling is a Certified Counselor and founder of The IVF Warrior, a fertility health and wellness platform connecting people from all over the world who are navigating infertility. On The IVF Warrior she provides support, resources, and empowerment across multiple platforms, using her expertise and experiences. 

Instagram: @the.ivf.warrior