Inclusive Holiday Activities by Ash Beckham

The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and creating lasting memories with loved ones. In the spirit of celebrating diversity, it's essential to plan holiday activities that promote inclusivity, ensuring that everyone can participate and feel a sense of belonging. You can make your holidays fun and inclusive by intentionally creating or finding environments with an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance for all.

Decorate Together, Celebrate Together
Decking the halls is a cherished holiday tradition, and making it inclusive can be as simple as involving everyone in the decorating process. Provide a variety of decorations that cater to different tastes and abilities, such as tactile ornaments for those with sensory sensitivities or large, easy-to-handle ornaments for younger participants. Encourage creativity by making handmade decorations, ensuring that each contribution is valued. This collaborative approach not only creates a festive atmosphere but also promotes a sense of shared accomplishment.

Global Recipe Exchange Potluck
Food has the power to unite people from different backgrounds, and a global recipe exchange potluck is a fun way to celebrate diversity. Invite participants to share family-friendly dishes that reflect their cultural heritage or favorite holiday traditions. This not only introduces everyone to new flavors but also encourages conversations about the rich tapestry of culinary experiences. Consider providing recipe cards with stories about the dish's cultural significance, fostering a deeper understanding of each other's traditions.  Have your family help you with your contribution and recreate the new recipes together.

Adaptive Winter Wonderland
If snow graces your holiday season, consider organizing an adaptive winter wonderland. Activities such as adaptive skiing, sled racing, and snowman building can be tailored to accommodate various physical abilities. Partner with local organizations specializing in adaptive sports to ensure that equipment and expertise are available. This inclusive approach not only promotes physical activity but also reinforces the idea that outdoor fun is for everyone, regardless of physical limitations.  Even if there is no snow, creating fun, adaptive play environments fosters empathy and belonging..

Inclusive Gift Wrapping Party
Transform the task of gift wrapping into a festive and inclusive activity. Set up stations with a variety of wrapping paper, ribbons, and embellishments, considering different traditions and abilities. Make sure to provide accessible tools for those with physical limitations. Encourage participants to get creative with personalized gift tags and hand-decorated wrapping paper. This shared experience not only adds a personal touch to gift-giving but also allows cultural heritage to be showcased in gift-giving traditions.

Diverse Holiday Storytelling Gathering
Create a cozy storytelling circle where participants can share their favorite holiday stories or traditions. This inclusive activity provides a platform for everyone to express themselves, fostering understanding and empathy. To accommodate individuals with hearing impairments, consider incorporating visual aids, sign language interpretation, or providing written transcripts. Include a variety of stories from different cultures to enrich the experience and promote a broader perspective on holiday traditions.  This activity can easily be done virtually.

Accessible Movie Binge Session
Host an inclusive movie marathon featuring a diverse selection of holiday films. Ensure that the venue is wheelchair accessible, and provide comfortable seating options for everyone. Include movies with closed captions or subtitles for those with hearing impairments. To cater to different tastes, offer a mix of classic and contemporary films, spanning various genres. Consider providing sensory-friendly options such as noise-canceling headphones or adjustable lighting for those with sensory sensitivities.

Crafting Inclusivity at a Holiday Fair
Attend a holiday craft fair that celebrates creativity and inclusivity. Find a fair that encourages participants from diverse backgrounds to showcase and sell their handmade creations. Supporting local artisans at such events not only promotes inclusivity but also strengthens community bonds.

The holiday season is a perfect time to reinforce and model the values of inclusivity, acceptance, and togetherness. By incorporating these fun holiday activities that cater to diverse interests and abilities, we can create a sense of belonging for everyone involved. Whether it's through attending an event or hosting a new one, the key is to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual while fostering a shared experience. In doing so, we can ensure that the holiday season truly becomes a time of joy and connection for everyone. The magic of the holidays lies in the warmth of inclusivity and the joy of celebrating everyone together.


Ash Beckham is an inclusion activist known for her viral Tedx talk Coming Out of Your Closet, the “accidental advocate” for equality, does not shy away from hard conversations. Her book Step Up: How to Live with Courage and Become an Everyday Leader is an empowering call-to-action to help mobilize all to embrace a different vision of leadership to create change in our workplaces, schools, places of worship, communities, and homes cultivated from both Beckham's personal and professional experiences. Ash lives with her family in Boulder, CO.
