How loss and pain in my womb led me to a spiritual awakening by Kylie Stewart

From the second year that I had my period, everything changed. That first year was normal but then I started to bleed extremely heavily and would be in so much pain. All this at the age of 14. It continued to get worse, to the point where each bleed I would be bed ridden, vomiting, having migraines, my womb feeling like someone was stabbing it repeatedly from the inside over and over again.  Countless doctors could not see an issue, I was placed on birth control but it did nothing. 

At one point when I was 16 I was so sick I couldn’t walk up our stairs to the shower, my step dad having to carry me. Doctors spoke about sending me to a psychiatric hospital, believing it was in my head. My mother had my back though and kept searching. Until finally another doctor listened and sent me to a gynecologist who happened to be a top specialist in Endometriosis. I was diagnosed and had my first of 6 surgeries with endo excision. 

Over the years I would be good after surgery until it came back again. I was lucky enough though during this time to have 2 children who are now 13 and 7.5. In 2019 I then fell pregnant with our third baby. However this is what sent me on my awakening. Having always been a spiritual person and experiencing times where I just knew things, like what gender my baby was before I had even conceived. 

When I was about 17 weeks one of my sisters ended up on life support and my mum and step dad were not in the country so I flew to her. While also having hyperemesis. She thankfully came out the other side but it was a very stressful time. Fast forward a few weeks and my husband was leaving on deployment but first we had my 20 weeks scan. Unfortunately at this scan we found out our sweet girl's heart had stopped beating. 2 days later I went to hospital to start labour. I will never forget how hard that was, to give birth, to have my milk come in and to not have a baby coming home with me. We then also found out that a move to Australia that we were planning and had paid for $10,000 for was now not going ahead and we lost that money. 

Two weeks after Thea was born my husband then went on his deployment where his ship was the one dealing with the volcano eruption and loss of life here in New Zealand. All of this and I felt so lost, so rocked to my core, almost like I was untethered and I needed a way to hold on. This led me to start wanting to heal my womb, I had this knowing again that Thea would try and come back through and I wanted to heal my womb to be ready for her. So I started to look into energy healing, I learned reiki and started to do womb healing. 

As I moved through this I became very aware that my knowings started to get more and more loud, coming more often. I started to dive into psychic/spiritual work to see what it meant, and this led me to find I was tapping into my psychic abilities. I started to hone these and as I did I realised I could feel Thea and hear her. She told me she would be back, as soon as the time was right and it wasn’t far away. She said change needed to happen first. 

We ended up moving to a different town and I had the thought about starting a business based on my healing and psychic abilities. She came through even stronger and said her new name would be Ayda (Arabic in origin, meaning returning visitor) She told me to test on the day of her birth which was 1.11: 1 year to the day that we lost her, and that test was positive. I gave birth to her in a new form and she is now 2 years old. 

After her birth I started my business and started helping others clear and heal their own wombs. I’m doing so I started to connect more and more to other people’s spirit babies and now I just love being that bridge between worlds! I offer healings and readings, the spirit baby readings are one of my favourites, they can tell me so much about who they are and who they are going to be, they can give information about the pregnancy, on mum, on family and on their birth and the 4th trimester. It really is the most beautiful way to connect and I wouldn't be able to do that now or be in the space I am now without Thea and the dark space I was in bringing about my awakening. I am grateful for her every single day!

I’m Kylie, mum, psychic medium, business owner and the bridge to your spirit babies