Folks We Love with Harmony Hansen | Founder, Harmony Willow Studio


Harmony Hansen is the gal behind Harmony Willow Studio and her talents are BEYOND!! Harmony is a (very very talented!) illustrator based in Brooklyn, New York. If you're a regular visitor to you may be familiar with Harmony's work without even knowing it - she is the creative genius behind our beautiful Black Lives Matter banner that sits beautifully on at the top of our home page. Harmony's work is so beautiful and built on the foundation of self love, self care and inclusivity and it truly comes across in every piece. 

She is the sweetest soul and whilst we've never met in person, her beautiful energy, kindness and passion for what she does, who she is and what she believes can be felt via words (and images) on a screen. 

We chatted with Harmony a couple of weeks ago and we're really excited to share her beautiful interview with you today. We talk about illustrating, creativity, COVID and activism and hope you walk away from reading it feeling as inspired as we do.


Where are you from?
I was born and raised in a tiny little town In Vermont- the population when I was growing up was around 24 people... total! And it hasn't changed much since I left.


Who is in your family?
My parents and two siblings (sister and brother) who all still live in Vermont. I consider the family that I work for as family so my Brooklyn family consists of twin 5-year-old boys and a sweet little 3-year-old girl.


I work full-time as a nanny for a family in Brooklyn.


Tell us about your journey, how did you get into illustrating? Have you always loved drawing/creating?
I have been drawing my entire life. I used to draw dream homes and the families that would live in them constantly. When I was in elementary school my friends and I would put on American Girl plays and I was always the set designer. I have always loved to create- it's a release for me. A lot of my work is yoga focused Along with drawing and illustrating I also enjoy embroidery, working with paper, painting, sewing, and photography.


What does a typical day look like for you?
I usually get up around 5.30 or 6. I often lay in bed and think about what I need to do or I will read a little from whatever book I am reading. I try to do some sort of stretching or quick yoga practice. Then I get ready for work which consists of throwing on leggings, a t-shirt, and sneakers, applying my morning skincare and makeup, and then walking to work- often grabbing a coffee on the way. I work from 7:30 am until 6:30 everyday. It's a long day but we always find something fun to do. After work I usually go for a walk around Prospect Park in Brooklyn, watch a show or listen to music. I also love to take a bath or hot shower after work. Applying my evening skincare is very important and then I try to get off my phone or computer by 10 so I can fall asleep by 11- it doesn't always work out and sometimes I am up doing stuff until midnight.


What is your best Work-From-Home tip?
I don't work from home during the week. But on the weekends I would say getting dressed and grabbing an iced coffee makes me feel like I am prepared for work even if I am not leaving my little studio apartment.


How do you foster creativity?
This is a question to answer. Sometimes ideas come to me. I add it to my list on my phone. Sometimes I just sit down and start to draw and it comes to me or sometimes I just go days without drawing anything because I've hit a creative block. If I get into a rut sometimes I will look through Pinterest or one of many coffee table books that I have for some sort of theme or idea.


Where do you seek inspiration?
On walks, looking through Pinterest or Instagram, or just daydreaming. Being in the city also allows for so much inspiration- there is always someone or something to see and be inspired by.


What do you do when you have a creative block?
If I am really stuck I try to focus not on the rut but on other things in my life. I don't put pressure on myself to be creative. If I have a deadline I'll go for a walk or talk to friends for ideas. I also think just taking care of myself helps a lot. If my mind is clouded with too much stuff my creativity gets squeezed and doesn't flow like it normally does. So self care and giving myself the space to not be overwhelmed with the pressure to create really helps to not have that creative block to begin with.


A small snippet of Harmony’s incredible work


How has your business shifted during this time of COVID?
I actually have only gotten busier during COVID. I started my Instagram July of 2019 and it was slowly growing until around Christmas when I hit a 1000 and then in the middle of April 2020 I hit 5,000 followers on Instagram and I currently have 35,000+ followers. This amount of people is so inspiring and I love all of the positive messages that I get but it is also overwhelming. Everything happened so quickly. I am beyond grateful and I try to use my platform to spread love, positivity, awareness, and kindness. With the growth of my Instagram came growth everywhere. I am constantly getting orders, inquiries, and letters from people which I am very thankful for during this time.


I notice that your body of work includes such thoughtful and positive activism. The message that you are putting out into the world is really amazing and inclusive. What led you to this work and have you always been an activist?  
Being aware of what is happening in the world has always been a part of what's important to me in this world. My parents took me to protests when I was a baby- my first one was when I was 9 months old at a Pro-Choice rally. I went to many protests in high school and have continued as an adult. We live in a country that- for now- still allows people to use their voices freely for change. I couldn't imagine not using my voice to help empower, uplift, and shed light on people's lives. And I think it's especially important for me to use my platform in this way. It really doesn't feel right for me to profit off of current events or to stay silent when there is so much pain in the world right now. I have dedicated a portion of sales from certain prints to always be donated quarterly to different organizations. The quote "This is not a moment, it's a movement" hits me deeply and is something I say in my head a lot. We can't go back- we need to move forward and all be a part of a better, healthier future for everyone.


What are your plans for the future of Harmony Willow studio?
My dream is to eventually do product design. I really want to work with companies who are eco friendly and focused on self-care, mental health, and self-love. I would love to design a range of yoga blocks, mats, and apparel as well as work with some skincare companies. I'd love to do a children's book at some point. I think a nanny illustrating a book would be very fun.

We would love to ask you some questions we ask all our FWL.


What's currently on your playlist?
I've been listening to so much Dua Lipa and Drake. I listen to so much music and often just put a song on that I love and then listen to the radio playlist that accompanies that song.


What are you reading?
I am on the 5th Harry Potter- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I used to read a lot but as I've gotten older I've gotten bad about sitting down to read. I mostly listen to audiobooks so I can multitask. I've read 10 books so far this year and feel pretty good about that.


What are you watching?
I am currently watching the NBA playoffs, I May Destroy You, and LoveCraft Country.


How do you manage stress?
I talk to my girlfriends, I make lists, and I take baths. Everything is stressful these days so I try to allow myself to zone out without the guilt of not being productive for an hour or so.


What does self-care look like for you?
Saying kind things to myself. I think it's important to really connect with myself- my physical self and mental self. A good nighttime skincare routine (and morning but more night), and being active.


Best piece of advice you can offer someone looking to take the leap and turn their creative side hustle into a full-time gig?
It's the most cliche advice to give but really- Just do it. Just start. For years I have been creating artwork and giving it to friends and everyone told me to put it out into the world but I always had an excuse or self-doubt which looking back is so silly. And if you have questions- reach out to other people in your field. There's no harm in asking for advice from someone already doing what you want to be doing.


What is the greatest gift that has come out of this current world shift for you?
All of the amazing messages that I have gotten. I get messages all the time from people saying how they see themselves in my work or how my work has made them love themselves more. Moms and grandmothers have reached out to share how they showed their daughters my work. I have had people of all ages and backgrounds send me stories about their self-love struggles. We are all connected and I have loved every single message I have received from someone sharing a little bit of their story with me.


What are the 4 things you can't live without?
1. My family and friends. I have such a beautiful group of humans around me. So much love and care and acceptance from them.
2. My phone- so sad to say but so true.
3. Coffee- I go to bed looking forward to a cup.
4. My bed. It's so soft and comfy. I call it my cloud.


Follow Harmony here and visit her website here.