Closing The Bones by Lauren Arthur

Before we begin, I would like to acknowledge that the practices, rituals, and ceremonies that I practice come from an ancient and sacred place. I am so honoured that I can work with this “medicine” and I hold deep reverence for the teachers who have passed such knowledge onto me and the culture from which it comes. It is so important to me that this is recognised and in doing so, I honour all the women who have passed this on. It is my intention to bring back ritual into our modern day postpartum and provide a sacred space for healing and nurturing to take place on many levels.

The Mexican Postpartum Ritual is a sacred practice that has been passed down through the ages by Mexican Elders. In western culture it is known as Closing the Bones and is a profoundly powerful, ancient women’s traditional practice from traditional Mexican midwifery. 

My focus as a Postpartum Doula is learning from other cultures because I believe they hold so much wisdom that all women should know and benefit from. Their ancient wisdom holds so much power in healing and also acknowledges women as they cross rites of passage like motherhood and menopause. We have been so disconnected from these rituals, ceremonies, and wisdom in our western culture. I love seeing how we can use ancient wisdom and practices and how we can bring them into the modern home. I have studied many modalities with traditional teachers and have a lived-body experience with this specialised and unique ceremony. Although Closing the Bones is a Mexican Postpartum Ritual, similar practices are carried out by traditional midwives in many other parts of the world.

It is said that pregnancy and birth present the greatest expansion a woman can go through. A mother expands on all seven layers of the body during pregnancy, and she undertakes an extreme opening to accommodate the life and soul of the baby to be birthed through her. These different layers include the physical body, the energy body, the mental body, the intellectual body, the spiritual body, the emotional body and the subtle body. During birth the greatest opening and awakening can take place because through the birthing process you have been a portal for carrying new life and walked the threshold between two worlds. In birth, the aura of a woman expands and opens to accommodate the physical life and soul of her baby birthing through her. As birth is the greatest expansion, Closing the Bones honours this expansion, calling her spirit back into her body, inviting her back to mother from her centre and to integrate her personal transformation. It invites you home, onto the earth to ground you in your mothering roots. It reminds you that all you need is already within you and to trust in your mothering instinct that has been suppressed for years or lifetimes. Finally, it draws you together and offers closure, ready to embrace your new role through your matrecsence journey. 

Please be mindful when you are sourcing a practitioner that not everyone will offer the “full ceremony” of Closing the Bones. Traditionally, there are four elements in the complete traditional postpartum closing ceremony. 

Before the ceremony begins there will be an acknowledgment to you, the mother and your child, an offering and space where you create your personal intention for this slow and intentional ceremony along with a birth debrief. 

Your ceremony begins with massage and the application of medicinal herbal oil to the body.

This is followed by a ceremonial steam known as a Temazcal (or “herbal bath”), an ancient cleansing ritual practiced for centuries incorporating medicine of the herbs. This is done through steam and a closed, dark space, symbolising “Womb of the Earth” which draws heat or “chi” back into your body as you step into darkness.

Next is a time of rest under heavy blankets. This gives your body a chance to sweat, release what no longer serves you, including unnecessary toxins. This is also a time where mothers finally feel like they are connected and grounded for the first time since birth. 

Following this rest there will be a ‘closing’. We wrap your body with Mexican rebozos and call your spirit back into your body. 

This ceremony is of enormous benefit to the postpartum mother as well as after pregnancy loss. It is also a beautiful, meaningful acknowledgement to other significant women’s rites of passage like menarche, menopause and even to mark the end of a breastfeeding journey.


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