Birth Story by Kattie

I was 21 when I first watched a birth. My older sister was pregnant with her first child and was urged to watch Business of Being Born by another pregnant friend.

This changed everything for her and her planned hospital birth quickly changed to a cozy birth center and Bradley Method classes. My whole life she would teach me whatever she was passionate about, this was no different. I joined her and her husband to the birth classes, midwife appointments and let her talk my ears off about what she learned that day.

By the time my nephew was born, I had no sense of “EW!” My sister made it seem effortless and out came my wonderful nephew.

Three years later at the same birth center and midwife, my younger sister followed suit. The midwife declared them birthing rockstars, I assumed I would be, too.

It would be 9 years later until I had my first child. Just like my sisters, I found out super early, super easy pregnancy and I was also due with a boy! I wanted to use the same midwife as my sisters, but she had recently retired. I chose a different birth center and was very happy with their level of care and commitment as well as proximity to Salt & Straw. Though I knew every pregnancy is different, I also had it in my mind I would have my son before (or on!) his due date.

The due date came and passed - no baby. No inclination he was even close to coming. I couldn’t even do a membrane sweep as my cervix was completely shut. I loved being pregnant and was physically content, but i wanted my baby! It also didn’t help he was due the same day This Is Us had an episode of bringing babies home. I had to stop watching.

At 41 weeks I was finally 1 cm dilated and could do a membrane sweep. It did nothing.

I did a midwife brew the next day and had some contractions. My boyfriend as I walked around the lake and I had acupuncture - contractions stopped.

I was urged to get another anatomy scan the next day. Because of Covid, I had to go alone with the doctor who said everything is fine - but I got a linebacker on my hands. Comforting…

I chose to do the cooks catheter, one balloon in and one balloon outside the cervix. By the time we got home contractions were hitting HARD. My sister joined us at my house and her and my boyfriend watched and helped me along each contraction. My sister timed them - some contractions were between 5-7 minutes. She was concerned it was transition and we called the midwife, we decided to head in.

They checked me…

3 centimeters.

For the level of pain I was in (and nonstop puking), I cut the catheter out and we left. Everything stopped.

We went in the next day to grab another midwives brew. At the luck of my aunt who had a steak & prawn dinner with a baked potato the night before each of her 3 boys were due, I decided to make just that for dinner. For some reason, I thought taking the midwives brew before dinner was a good idea. Contractions started before I could eat the best part - my baked potato, and I was no longer hungry. We decided to go to bed. I lasted 20 minutes and got up to shower and clean my bathroom. Contractions were more and more intense and we made the trek to the birth center once more.

This time I was at a SIX!

Mind you, I was 41 weeks and 6 days. In my state, midwives in private birth centers cannot deliver after 42 weeks.

I got in the tub and was laboring there for a while. I wasn’t making much progress and we were urged to go for a walk. We did miles circuit, spinning babies, sitting backward on a toilet, rocking my hips, birth ball…sleep. And I was still at a six or so after 12 hours. Knowing time was ticking for me to have the birth I was hopeful for, I chose for them to break my water as a last ditch effort. I labored for a a couple hours more and decided on my own if I wasn’t making progress, we would transfer.

The midwife finally asked me what I was thinking and my boyfriend and I were given the room to make our decision. It was the first time I ever saw him cry, watching me in so much pain and trying so hard. I was tired - emotionally, physically and mentally tired. I knew my decision already, but he made sure to say our code phrase. 

“Take me to the fucking hospital.”

I somehow hopped up in the truck and we drove the 3 minutes to the hospital. I got a wheel chair and we found the hospital midwives - who were waiting for me in an ambulance! Nope. 

We got to my room and I knew if I had to get induced, I would do an epidural. Thankfully I started my care when I was first pregnant at this hospital so all my blood work was inputted and the anesthesiologist was in my room within 20 minutes. If that.

Because I took that final midwives brew at night, I nor my bf had any sleep in over 30 hours. We were exhausted and that epidural gave us peace and quiet for about 7 hours. It was wonderful and I felt more equipped to get this baby out. 

Around midnight, I was able to start pushing. A few pushes in and my midwife said I still had a cervical lip and to give it another hour or so - as she was walking out, a contraction came and I yelled out, “Nope!!” and she confirmed the lip was no longer.

I have a tear in my left hip and was worried laboring at a hospital would compromise what my body could do in terms of birthing positions. They checked in and made adjustments with each positions to suit my limitations…I found myself pushing on my side holding my right leg up. All other positions were a NOPE!

I pushed for 2 hours or more, never did it feel like it was that long. I knew progress was being made, I was able to feel his head and eventually my midwife told me to grab my baby at 2:48 AM.

I knew I tore, but was 100% enjoying my baby. I could tell there was some level of concern on my sisters face. After stiching me up, I was still bleeding. They brought in another OB to assist as they undid the first stitches and got me stitched up to finally stop the bleeding. I lost approximately 40% of my blood. Our hospital stay would be extended because if it.

I didn’t care, I finally had my baby. 

My first baby.

My 9 lb 3 oz baby with an off the charts head, just like his daddy.

He was and still is my most beautiful creation and though I would do things differently looking back, I would do it all over again. 

Oh, and word from the wise, take “Push It” off your birth playlist. You will regret it.