5 Lessons for my Kids from a Working Mama by Jacqueline Snyder of The Product Boss

Nothing could have prepared me for motherhood, and certainly not for raising babies and a business simultaneously.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve learned to juggle deadlines and diaper changes, mix meal planning amid meetings, and solve staffing issues while sorting laundry.

While there are times the mom-guilt hits hard and I wonder if I’m truly giving both my personal and professional relationships the best version of me - I’ve come to recognize that I’m actually teaching my kids some valuable lessons that I never could have taught them otherwise.

Your Passion is Worth Pursuing.
I could never tell my children to chase their big, bold dreams with reckless abandon if I wasn’t willing to do the same. Better yet, I hope that my journey shows them the reality of success - the highs along with the lows - and the rewards that come when you refuse to give up. 

Failures are Stepping Stones, Not Stumbling Blocks.
My greatest teachers have been the moments that blindsided me, discouraged me, and nearly defeated me. But as the saying goes, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and the same holds true for dreams. No failure has ever been so final as to finish me. Instead, they have molded and shaped me in ways that proved to be a blessing in disguise. They have made me better, make me resilient, and make me humble.

Balance is a Myth.
In the midst of motherhood, they will see my try to balance my work and home lives and see me fail. Balance is a tricky tightrope, and I've learned that it's okay if some days the scales tip more towards work, and others towards family. In the end, I aim for harmony - a blending of the two that feels right for whatever the season calls for. There will be days when I bring my work home, and there will be days when I bring my home to work. There’s beauty to be found in the balance of both… or rather, the lack thereof.

Moments Matter More Than Minutes.
Time is the world’s most finite resource. There is no way to bargain, barter, or buy any more that what you have. So I’ve learned to maximize every moment to the fullest, especially those spent with my kids. Work takes up a good quantity of time, so I make sure I make up for it with quality. Whether it's a quick bedtime story or a quick kitchen dance party, I never miss an opportunity to make a memory.

You Can’t Do It Alone.
In a world that applauds the illusion of independent, effortless, overnight success, I have the opportunity to show my kids the beauty that comes from leaning on others. It truly takes a village, and my children see mine. From the daycare workers to the grandmas on pickup duty and the neighborhood play dates and the dad who take time off from his job, they each contribute to my kid’s understanding that their mom needs help. And it’s ok when they do, too.

So, there you have it - five lessons from a working mama who’s tried it all and seen success from the struggle. Embrace the chaos, work hard for your dreams, and trust that you are the best mama for those littles.

Jacqueline Snyder is an apparel and accessories expert with over 14 years of consulting start-ups and a BFA in Fashion Design. She owns Designer Consulting Co-Op (DCC) and has helped over 1,000 start-up companies grow their businesses. In addition to the DCC, Jacqueline launched her own product-based, multi-six figure business, Cuffs Couture, selling worldwide and dressing countless celebrities. Most recently, Jacqueline acts as the face and driving force behind the Apple Top 10 Marketing Podcast and small business coaching platform, The Product Boss. Over the years, Jacqueline has grown a community of tens of thousands of high-achieving, product-based small business owners, and have helped them scale their physical product businesses through masterminds, group coaching, and digital courses designed specifically for product-based business owners (ranging from start-up conception to multi-million dollar companies). Her goal is to change the landscape of product entrepreneurship by connecting small business owners around the world and offering game-changing expertise never before readily available in the product-based business space.

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