Weeks 35-36 Pregnancy VLOG baby 3 Sarah Olsen


 35-36 Weeks 



Approximately 6 pounds and the size of some Romain lettuce hahahah



We have had two weeks of birthdays!! Esmé was born Aug 9 and Wyatt was Aug 16! We spent the last two weeks prepping for our quarantine bdays and it was SO fun! Both kids wanted to be on the beach and eat cake and have their favorite foods so we did just that. 



I feel that I am either getting a bit bigger or baby is dropping a bit lower because I am getting this pain down the front of my right let more and more. Something is being hit in the right side of my pelvis and is hitting a nerve that runs down my leg. It happens fast and I just have to bend over or get into hands and knees and work it out a little bit. All three of my babies get into this position at some point and this happens.  It makes walking a challenge but after I do some yoga or some great opening stretches or inversions, I can usually get the pain to stop for a while. 



It was a dream and a wonderful distraction to be able to plan the kids’ birthdays and spend some time celebrating them before their sibling comes. Esmé had a sweet lil fairy themed birthday and Wyatt had a rainbows and bears and adventure theme. Each day was filled with all their favorite foods and they spent the days on the beach playing in the water and in the sand. 



Walking, spinning babies and feeling a bit over any form of exercise ahah. 



Is it so bad if I just want to eat fried rice all day every day???? Hahahah it just sounds so good. ALSO was very much craving pop tarts if anyone has a GF not so bad for you recipe please send and tag us! 



Canned seafood. The smell of shellfish. 



Anything and everything comforting right now. Noodles, rice, soup, chips, potatoes, cheeeeeeese hahahah I love guacamole too. 



We have two August birthdays and waiting to see if we will have a third or if this baby will come in September.  I talk a lot in this video about some of the fears I have had during the last few months of pregnancy and how I am working on that in this one. I think it’s very easy to let things creep into your mind when you are pregnant. My Doula was just telling me that when you are pregnant you are this open vessel and you have to block and protect yourself from taking on too much energy around you.  I really feel that. I am already an empath but when I am pregnant, I absorb and take on so much of what is happening to others. 


In this VLOG I talk about how I work through some of those things and how you can try and focus on a certain intention. For Esmé’s birth I focused on Joy and set that as my intention and I talk about why I really needed to do this after the loss of my dad.


Counting down the days ahead and looking forward to listening to newborn cries and coos so very very soon! 

