Postpartum VLOG Winter Story the first two weeks

What Week? 

Postpartum the first two weeks


How big is baby? 

11 pounds


What’s something new this week?

The first two weeks have been pretty amazing. It’s hard not to compare each child wondering how different will this one be from my last two. So far she has been very chill, taking in the world and getting use to our little family. 


Most challenging moment?

I think the challenge of the first two weeks has been hoping and praying that we didn’t contract COVID 19 in the hospital. Now that we are passed that window it feels pretty great and very safe being home in our little baby bubble. We haven’t had any challenges with baby yet just gratefully watching her grow. 

For mama this week my biggest challenge has been healing and giving myself permission to stay in bed and let my body rest. I always want to get up so much sooner than I should and be a part of the hustle of the house but I know it’s important for me to rest and allow my body this time. 


Something you loved this week?

Laying in bed reading books to all my kids. It feels so good to lay in with them and reading books together has always been a family favorite.  I also loved that Eric and the kids brought a little picnic into our bedroom so we could all eat together as a family. Since I have been laying in I haven’t been leaving the room and we loved our little floor dinner. 



Mama time? 

Honestly so far it feels I have had a lot of mama time. Nourishing my body with amazing foods and taking lots of naps when baby is napping. Since both kids are home with us I don’t have to run out to school for pick ups and drop offs so I am here with them and it gives our days a much slower pace. 


What am I eating ?

I have been following some of the guidance of the first forty days. Eating amazing nourishing calorie rich meals that will help support my milk supply. Ill put some photos of food below. Some of my favorites are these amazing Japanese bowls Sonya makes with Okiyu, egg and many other yummy things. 


My body. 

Slowly, gently healing. I am looking to my body and feeling very grateful for all the incredibly hard work and growing that it had to do over the last year. My body feels good but of course my organs feel weird and all over the place. My belly has an empty balloon feeling and my digestion seems to be working pretty well. My boobs went through the engorgement phase and this was my shortest time engorged. This only lasted a couple days for me with baby 3 and it was a relief when the intensity of my boobs calmed down. I spent a lot of time in the shower expressing milk and making sure I didn’t get mastitis or any hard spots or clogged ducts. It is so important to pay attention to your boobs and massage them to avoid mastitis. 


 Checking in.

This is such a different postpartum period. I am not seeing friends or family as I usually would because of COVID 19 and I am laying in. I think the thing I miss the most are my family and girlfriends. I love having people around and really enjoy the sense of community I have here in LA. It’s hard not having that now but I know it is for the best and the safety of our little family. 

Right now I am riding high on postpartum hormones. The first couple days I think I smiled non-stop. Everything felt as though it was wrapped in a beautiful blanket of soft rainbow light. I know these hormones fluctuate but it has been an amazing high to ride and I am feeling so grateful with every moment that goes by that we are home safe and healthy. 


With love, 


