Week 28 Pregnancy VLOG by Teresa Palmer


What week?


How big is the baby?

She’s the size of a tropical coconut! She is almost 16 inches tall and weighs about 2.5lbs/1.13kg. 


What's something new this week?

The kids felt our girl move for the first time. We were lying in the bed in London and she was moving a ton so I lifted my jumper and they both hugged my tummy and put their hands on it. Bodhi was giggling his head off and saying “I love you! It’s big brother here!” He couldn’t believe he could feel her. Such a sweet moment.


Most challenging moment?

We just had an exhausting week getting ready to leave LA and head to Australia for our big trip. There were tons of things going on and stuff to fit in, packing, events, last week of school, sorting through the last of the baby clothes and things to bring to Australia for her birth, plus our friends in town. So, by the time it came time to leave on Sunday, I was thoroughly spent! That being said, the days spent in the pool with the kids were exactly the recharging moments I needed.

Most exciting moment?

My friend Regina put on a really beautiful baby shower dinner for me with a group of Mamas from Bodhi’s preschool and a few others from my very first Mummy and Me class that I attended at the Pump Station. It was just such a beautiful evening, and I received so many gorgeous things for baby girl, including the most divine hand me downs which I found to be so special and meaningful.


Starting weight?


Current weight?




The most I’ve done during pregnancy! I went to the gym for a circuit workout with Mark and the Wanganeens (our friends staying with us), it was really fun. Two days earlier, I went to Pilates with my friend Kate who is also pregnant, which actually kicked my butt the most. Using all those little muscles that often get neglected, I couldn’t believe how hard I found those isolated movements! The day before we left on Saturday, I was pushing the double pram up and down a bunch of hills and then rode a bike from Santa Monica to Venice with Bodhi on a tag along bike. Phew!



Some salads, green juices, garlic bread, nachos, pasta, pizza, kelp noodle salad, vegan muffins, avocado toast.

Food aversions?



Crunching ice, lavender baths and the smell of eucalyptus randomly!



This pregnancy is going so fast, I’m really trying to enjoy these last few months, to know that I have work behind me and just 11 weeks or so left to focus on nesting, being with the boys and growing this baby is just beautiful. I’m feeling so grateful to have this time and know that the last weeks of having her on the inside will be so precious.