Finding Relevance From Within Do You Even Know Who You Are Anymore? by Jennifer Merritts

Whether you’re a man or woman you need to read this. Regardless of your skin color, ethnic background, or religion, this article is for you. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, CEO, or slumming it at your friend’s house, you need to feel relevant. Do you?

If you feel relevant, chances are you also feel understood, supported, inspired, happy, and free. Can you check off each one of these? If you can, you are among a small percentage of people who really know who they are and are living their lives exactly the way they want to. 

But most people don’t fall into that category, and it’s because they are wearing so many hats, doing so many jobs, being so much to so many others, and in so doing, they have completely lost sight of who they are and what makes their soul shine. 

It’s time to stop everything and take inventory of who you currently are and who you actually wish you could be. 

  1. Who are you? List out all the relationships you have to everyone you come into contact with all month long. Your list can be very long, or it can have just a few bullets. Even if there’s only one word on your list, it could be the one that’s sucking all your energy, giving you no opportunity to shine the way you wish you could. Some examples of who are you are: mother, father, caretaker, family member, worker, employer, neighbor, friend, artist, mentor. The examples are endless. Your list should be very specific and personal to you. 

  2. What do you think of your list? Look at each item on that list and put a check next to each one you absolutely love. For example, every single time you put on the mom hat do you feel a sense of freedom? Do you feel supported? Do you feel happy? Do you feel inspired? Do you feel understood? If you can emphatically answer yes to each of these, then that one gets a check. If you can’t answer yes to it, circle it. 

  3. Who do you wish you could be? Now don’t get too ambitious here. If you’re wishing you could be the King or Queen of England, you need to accept that’s just not going to happen for you (unless your name is Will or Kate). Go deep inside your being and discover who or what you wish you could be. Maybe words like carefree, confident, funny, enlightened, balanced, artistic, energetic, glamorous, fit, spiritual, athletic, adventurous, or happy build your list. If you took away the relationships that feel like energy suckers, what qualities would define you? What type of person would you be?

Now that you have become more clear on who you want to be, how you want to show up in the world, and what would make your soul shine, it’s time to start feeding that part of yourself. So often people don’t follow through with feeding and nurturing the forgotten person within. They say they don’t have the time, money, or support to put these things into action. The best mantra ever: If you want something bad enough, make it happen. 

That doesn’t mean if you’re in a dull and dead-end job you should immediately quit. No, no, no. But you can focus in on how you want to show up in this life by creatively bringing aspects of humor, or adventure into what was previously a mundane life. Small steps lead to happiness. Happiness leads to positive energy. Positive energy means your vibrational frequency is high. High vibes mean you’re feeling relevant!

Taking time to nurture the person you naturally are is so important. These are the qualities your soul thought would make your journey through the human experience meaningful and even fun! So figure out who you really are and go be that person. As you start to go down a new path you may be surprised at what new opportunities present themselves, and then you can quit the dull, dead-end job!

Jennifer Merritts is a Spiritual Awareness Coach, Professional Life Coach, Integrative Health Coach, Master Chakra Practitioner, Registered Yoga Teacher, and is trained in Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Therapy, Sound Healing, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Advanced Radiant Healing Light. She has locations in Northern VA and Delaware. For more information visit